Friday, February 16, 2007


Green consultation

Tony Blair has lost a High Court battle against Greenpeace about developing a new generation of nuclear power stations.
The court found the decision to back a new generation of power stations was unlawful, because of a "seriously flawed" public consultation process. Ministers plan to re-consult, but say nuclear power is the best way to tackle climate change and energy security.

Mr Blair told the BBC: "This won't affect the policy at all".
BBC news story here So the plans are rejected because of the lack of robust consultation but this won't deter the policy at all because Mr Blair is determined to carry on with the plans? Unbelievable!

And yet to be fair, an online petition that has generated one million signatures about road charging has resulted in Douglas Alexander, the transport secretary "pledging to listen to" opponents of UK road charging. (story)

Consultation therefore is really only any good when it results in an outcome that I want: therefore no to nuclear generators and yes to road charging. I know which of these results WON'T be forthcoming on consulting with the general public.

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